Jan 26, 2011

Diamond's cruel fates

Ah, synchronicity. Today I saw an interesting bit of news. This is curious in light of my post on The Brothers Bloom. In a nutshell, there's a moment when I talk about Isaac Newton and his dog Diamond. Supposedly, the dog accidentally knocked over a candle, setting Newton's whole library on fire. And then...

A 65-year-old Pacolet Mills woman is accused of hanging and burning a 1-year-old pit bull after the animal chewed her Bible. 
Miriam Fowler Smith, of 410 John Worthy Road, Pacolet Mills, is charged with ill treatment of animals in general, torture, according to an arrest warrant. Smith's nephew told officers he left the animal at the home he shared with his aunt during the recent winter weather. After returning, he could not find the dog, named Diamond, and he assumed she had broken the chain that kept her on the home's front porch, according to a report filed by a Spartanburg County environmental enforcement officer.
The man later told officers his aunt admitted to killing the animal, calling it a “devil” dog, and authorities were called to investigate.
After officers responded to the home, the woman told them she killed the dog because it had chewed her Bible and she feared for the safety of neighborhood children.
Officers found the dog's body, which had been partially burned, lying in a pile of dried grass. An orange extension cord had been tied tightly around the dog's neck and in its mouth.

Say what? An ignorant fundamentalist burns a dog named Diamond? You couldn't make these stories up...The best part of all: Pacolet Mills1 is in SOUTH CAROLINA.

And I can't believe this just occurred to me, but I completely forgot about the Bowie album:

Diamond Dogs is controversial due to the original picture of the album, which included the dog's genitalia (this castration brings to mind the castration of Uranus, whom I talked about recently: Gaia is in sorrow because Ouranos [his Greek name] has imprisoned her children in Tartarus, so she sends her son Cronus [not to be confused with Chronos] to castrate Ouranos).

The first track in the album is the old classic "Rebel, Rebel:"

Is it just me or is it kind of creepy where the arrow of the "play" button is pointing there? From the lyrics:

Rebel, rebel, you've torn your dress.
Rebel, rebel, your face is a mess.
Rebel, rebel, how could they know? 
Hot tramp, I love you so!

Careful with that candle, Jock.

Needless to say, the rebel sign in the zodiac is probably Aquarius. Remember the Aquarius Knight and his disciple the Swan Knight? The Swan Knight's main attack was "Diamond Dust:"

I'm sure there are more hits coming.

1 - Curiously, when I googled Pacolet Mills to see in which state it was (*shivers*), I came across this picture:

 The label on the shirt says 'Dawg.' Why not?

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